
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In her dreams, Jiang Wen had a wild and dangerous fling with a soldier.

It was in a dilapidated thatch hut, where the man wearing the official military uniform was both stylish and handsome.

His features were handsome, his face as pale as paper, and his thick lips were pressed tightly together, suppressing something hard.

In her dream, Jiang Wen reached out with her plump hand and unbuttoned his coat.

Due to her rude movements, a few buttons were torn from his shirt.

It revealed his robust bronze muscles and the standard eight-pack abs.

Jiang Wen felt herself swallowing saliva, unfastened his belt, and her chubby little hand sneakily slipped in!

As if sensing something, the man's eyes flew open. A pair of brilliant star-like eyes emitted endless coldness:

"Who are you?"

Startled, Jiang Wen shivered, gritted her teeth and turned to straddle him, passionately kissing him to muffle his words.

The man glared at her with wide, angry eyes. His forehead's veins stood out prominently. Unable to resist his body's most primitive instinct, he was taken by a storm of emotions.

That night, in the man's indignation, the dream version of Jiang Wen fulfilled her desires.

When she awoke, she blinked open her eyes. All she saw was a plain cement wall, and an old tungsten bulb above her head.

Due to its age, more than half of the bulb had turned black.

Apart from two single beds, large and small, the room was practically empty.

Through the worn-out window across her gaze, she sees a brick wall not far away, emblazoned with bold slogans: "Fine Soldiers, Strong Nation!"

Where...where is this? How did she end up here?

Jiang Wan recalled, she was a webnovel author, on the verge of marrying the man she'd been in love with for three years, only to catch him red-handed with her best friend on the night before their wedding.

Subsequently, her boyfriend and best friend had callously thrown her off the balcony.

That was from the fourteenth floor—a fall from that height would lead to certain death, she thought. But how come the moment she opened her eyes, she found herself here?

A splitting headache surged as she thought of this. She reached up to soothe her head, but was startled to see a large, fat hand—so swollen that the joints were nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly her mind roared, and countless fragments of memory exploded in her head.

It was the year 1985!

The original Jiang Wan was a deceitful, lazy, gluttonous, and shameless gambler who weighed roughly three hundred pounds.

Nearly in her twenties, and yet, she remained unwanted!

During her time of worry, she stumbled upon an injured and unconscious soldier—Qiao Liancheng—on the mountain behind her house.

She took the money she found on him to buy some fever-relief and anti-inflammatory drugs to feed him.

And then... then the scene from her dream had happened.

The next day, Qiao Liancheng, with a stone-cold face, promised to take the responsibility.

True to his word, a month later, he returned, married her, and brought her back to the army-family compound.

Only here did she found out that he has a five-year-old son.

The original owner couldn't change her ways, and in a matter of a few days, she found a gambling house in the surrounding villages.

In just three short months, she had not only lost all her living expenses but had also accumulated a mountain of debt.

To repay her debt, she deceived Qiao Liancheng's son, Ping'an, planning to sell him to repay her debts.

However, the people at the venue recognized the child as from the military district compound, they didn't dare to take him!

After the two returned, Ping'an filed a severe complaint with Qiao Liancheng.

Qiao Liancheng was so angry that his face turned black. He stared at Jiang Wan for a long time before slamming his fist on the glass.

He then calmly spoke two words with a blood-drenched fist:


The original owner desperately pleaded, throwing a fit and refusing to leave!

Seeing Qiao Liancheng firm on his decision, she mustered up the courage and hit a table.

So she left, and Jiang Wan arrived!

"You're awake!" Before she had time to think it over, an icy voice sounded in her ear.

Upon lifting her eyes, she saw the face from her dream!

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